Basic Concurrency and Parallelism in Common Lisp – Part 3 (Concurrency using Bordeaux and SBCL threads)

In case you haven’t, I’d recommend checking out the previous post to ensure that you have the correct setup configured and ready to follow this tutorial.

You need to have the following setup at minimum:

  • A standard Common Lisp installation aside from CLISP (which doesn’t have any thread support)(preferably compiled)
  • The Bordeaux threading library
  • SBCL with thread support (for the SBCL specific examples)
  • Quicklisp (preferred)

What is Concurrency? What is Parallelism?

Concurrency is a way of running different, possibly related, tasks seemingly simultaneously. What this means is that even on a single processor machine, you can simulate simultaneity using threads (for instance) and context-switching them.

In the case of system (native OS) threads, the scheduling and context switching is ultimately determined by the OS. This is the case with Java threads and Common Lisp threads.

In the case of “green” threads, that is to say threads that are completely managed by the program, the scheduling can be completely controlled by the program itself. Erlang is a great example of this approach.

So what is the difference between Concurrency and Parallelism? Parallelism is usually defined in a very strict sense to mean independent tasks being run in parallel, simultaneously, on different processors or on different cores. In this narrow sense, you really cannot have parallelism on a single-core, single-processor machine.

It rather helps to differentiate between these two related concepts on a more abstract level – concurrency primarily deals with providing the illusion of simultaneity to clients so that the system doesn’t appear locked when a long running operation is underway. GUI systems are a wonderful example of this kind of system. Concurrency is therefore concerned with providing good user experience and not necessarily concerned with performance benefits.

Java’s Swing toolkit and JavaScript are both single-threaded, and yet they can give the appearance of simultaneity because of the context switching behind the scenes. Of course, concurrency is implemented using multiple threads/processes in most cases.

Parallelism, on the other hand, is mostly concerned with pure performance gains. For instance, if we are given a task to find the squares of all the even numbers in a given range, we could divide the range into chunks which are then run in parallel on different cores or different processors, and then the results can be collated together to form the final result. This is an example of Map-Reduce in action.

So now that we have separated the abstract meaning of Concurrency from that of Parallelism, we can talk a bit about the actual mechanism used to implement them. This is where most of the confusion arise for a lot of people. They tend to tie down abstract concepts with specific means of implementing them. In essence, both abstract concepts may be implemented using the same mechanisms! For instance, we may implement concurrent features and parallel features using the same basic thread mechanism in Java. It’s only the conceptual intertwining or independence of tasks at an abstract level that makes the difference for us.

For instance, if we have a task where part of the work can be done on a different thread (possibly on a different core/processor), but the thread which spawns this thread is logically dependent on the results of the spawned thread (and as such has to “join” on that thread), it is still Concurrency!

So the bottomline is this – Concurrency and Parallelism are different concepts, but their implementations may be done using the same mechanisms — threads, processes, etc.

Checking for thread support in Common Lisp

Regardless of the Common Lisp implementation, there is a standard way to check for thread support availability:

CL-USER> (member :thread-support *FEATURES*)

If there were no thread support, it would show “NIL” as the value of the expression.

Depending on the specific library being used, we may also have different ways of checking for concurrency support, which may be used instead of the common check mentioned above.

For instance, in our case, we are interested in using the Bordeaux library. To check whether there is support for threads using this library, we can use the *supports-threads-p* variable so:

First let’s load up the Bordeaux library using Quicklisp:

CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'bt-semapahore)
CL-USER> (ql:quickload :bt-semaphore)
To load "bt-semaphore":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "bt-semaphore"


Now we can see whether the *supports-threads-p* global variable is set to NIL (no support) or T (support available):

CL-USER> bt:*supports-threads-p*

Okay, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s test out both the platform-independent library (Bordeaux) as well as the platform-specific support (SBCL in this case).

To do this, let us work our way through a number of simple examples:

  1. Basics — list current thread, list all threads, get thread name
  2. Update a global variable from a thread
  3. Print a message onto the top-level using a thread
  4. Print a message onto the top-level — fixed
  5. Print a message onto the top-level — better
  6. Modify a shared resource from multiple threads
  7. Modify a shared resource from multiple threads — fixed using locks
  8. Modify a shared resource from multiple threads — using atomic operations
  9. Joining on a thread, destroying a thread example

Bordeaux threads

The Bordeaux library provides a platform independent way to handle basic threading on multiple Common Lisp implementations. The interesting bit is that it itself does not really create any native threads — it relies entirely on the underlying implementation to do so.

On there other hand, it does provide some useful extra features in its own abstractions over the lower-level threads.

Also, you can see from the demo programs that a lot of the Bordeaux functions seem quite similar to those used in SBCL. I don’t really think that this is a coincidence.

You can refer to the documentation for more details (check the “Wrap-up” section).


  • Basics — list current thread, list all threads, get thread name:
    ;;; Print the current thread, all the threads, and the current thread's name
    (defun print-thread-info ()
      (let* ((curr-thread (bt:current-thread))
             (curr-thread-name (bt:thread-name curr-thread))
             (all-threads (bt:all-threads)))
        (format t "Current thread: ~a~%~%" curr-thread)
        (format t "Current thread name: ~a~%~%" curr-thread-name)
        (format t "All threads:~% ~{~a~%~}~%" all-threads))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (print-thread-info)
    Current thread: #<THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {10043B8003}>
    Current thread name: repl-thread
    All threads:
     #<THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {10043B8003}>
    #<THREAD "auto-flush-thread" RUNNING {10043B7DA3}>
    #<THREAD "swank-indentation-cache-thread" waiting on: #<WAITQUEUE  {1003A28103}> {1003A201A3}>
    #<THREAD "reader-thread" RUNNING {1003A20063}>
    #<THREAD "control-thread" waiting on: #<WAITQUEUE  {1003A19E53}> {1003A18C83}>
    #<THREAD "Swank Sentinel" waiting on: #<WAITQUEUE  {1003790043}> {1003788023}>
    #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1002991CE3}>
  • Update a global variable from a thread:
    (defparameter *counter* 0)
    (defun test-update-global-variable ()
       (lambda ()
         (sleep 1)
         (incf *counter*)))

    We create a new thread using bt:make-thread, which takes a lambda abstraction as a parameter. Note that this lambda abstraction cannot take any parameters.

    Another point to note is that unlike some other languages (Java, for instance), there is no separation from creating the thread object and starting/running it. In this case, as soon as the thread is created, it is executed.

    The output:

    CL-USER> (test-update-global-variable)
    CL-USER> *counter*

    As we can see, because the main thread returned immediately, the initial value of *counter* is 0, and then around a second later, it gets updated to 1 by the anonymous thread.

  • Print a message onto the top-level using a thread:
    ;;; Print a message onto the top-level using a thread
    (defun print-message-top-level-wrong ()
       (lambda ()
         (format *standard-output* "Hello from thread!")))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (print-message-top-level-wrong)

    So what went wrong? The problem is variable binding. Now, the ’t’ parameter to the format function refers to the top-level, which is a Common Lisp term for the main console stream, also referred to by the global variable *standard-output*. So we could have expected the output to be shown on the main console screen.

    The same code would have run fine if we had not run it in a separate thread. What happens is that each thread has its own stack where the variables are rebound. In this case, even for *standard-output*, which being a global variable, we would assume should be available to all threads, is rebound inside each thread! This is similar to the concept of ThreadLocal storage in Java.

  • Print a message onto the top-level — fixed:

    So how do we fix the problem of the previous example? By binding the top-level at the time of thread creation of course. Pure lexical scoping to the rescue!

    ;;; Print a message onto the top-level using a thread — fixed
    (defun print-message-top-level-fixed ()
      (let ((top-level *standard-output*))
         (lambda ()
           (format top-level "Hello from thread!"))))

    Which produces:

    CL-USER> (print-message-top-level-fixed)
    Hello from thread!

    Phew! However, there is another way of producing the same result using a very interesting reader macro as we’ll see next.

  • Print a message onto the top-level — read-time eval macro:

    Let’s take a look at the code first:

    ;;; Print a message onto the top-level using a thread - reader macro
    (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
      (defun print-message-top-level-reader-macro ()
         (lambda ()
           (format #.*standard-output* "Hello from thread!")))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (print-message-top-level-reader-macro)
    Hello from thread!

    So it works, but what’s the deal with the eval-when and what is that strange #. symbol before *standard-output*?

    eval-when controls when evaluation of Lisp expressions takes place. We can have three targets — :compile-toplevel, :load-toplevel, and :execute.

    The “#.” symbol is what is called a “Reader macro”. (I will be posting a whole post (or maybe a series of posts!) on reader macros in the future). A reader (or read) macro is called so because it has special meaning to the Common Lisp Reader, which is the component that is responsible for reading in Common Lisp expressions and making sense out of them. This specific reader macro ensures that the binding of *standard-output* is done at read time.

    Binding the value at read-time ensures that the original value of *standard-output* is maintained when the thread is run, and the output is shown on the correct top-level.

    Now this is where the eval-when bit comes into play. By wrapping the whole function definition inside the eval-when, and ensuring that evaluation takes place during compile time, the correct value of *standard-output* is bound. If we had skipped the eval-when, we would see the following error:

        don't know how to dump #<SWANK/GRAY::SLIME-OUTPUT-STREAM {100439EEA3}> (default MAKE-LOAD-FORM method called).
      note: The first argument never returns a value.
        deleting unreachable code
          "Hello from thread!"
    Compilation failed.

    And that makes sense because SBCL cannot make sense of what this output stream returns since it is a stream and not really a defined value (which is what the ‘format’ function expects). That is why we see the “unreachable code” error.

    Note that if the same code had been run on the REPL directly, there would be no problem since the resolution of all the symbols would be done correctly by the REPL thread.

    I have already posted a comprehensive post on eval-when and other advanced Common Lisp constructs. You can find them with a simple search in my blog (use the search box).

  • Modify a shared resource from multiple threads:

    Suppose we have the following setup with a minimal bank-account class (no error checks):

    ;;; Modify a shared resource from multiple threads
    (defclass bank-account ()
      ((id :initarg :id
           :initform (error "id required")
           :accessor :id)
       (name :initarg :name
             :initform (error "name required")
             :accessor :name)
       (balance :initarg :balance
                :initform 0
                :accessor :balance)))
    (defgeneric deposit (account amount)
      (:documentation "Deposit money into the account"))
    (defgeneric withdraw (account amount)
      (:documentation "Withdraw amount from account"))
    (defmethod deposit ((account bank-account) (amount real))
      (incf (:balance account) amount))
    (defmethod withdraw ((account bank-account) (amount real))
      (decf (:balance account) amount))

    And we have a simple client which apparently does not believe in any form of synchronisation:

    (defparameter *rich*
      (make-instance 'bank-account
                     :id 1
                     :name "Rich"
                     :balance 0))
    ; compiling (DEFPARAMETER *RICH* ...)
    (defun demo-race-condition ()
      (loop repeat 100
            (lambda ()
              (loop repeat 10000 do (deposit *rich* 100))
              (loop repeat 10000 do (withdraw *rich* 100))))))

    This is all we are doing – create a new bank account instance (balance 0), and then create a 100 threads, each of which simply deposits an amount of 100 10000 times, and then withdraws the same amount the same number of times. So the final result should be the same as that of the opening balance, which is 0, right? Let’s check that and see.

    On a sample run, we might get the following results:

    CL-USER> (:balance *rich*)
    CL-USER> (dotimes (i 5)
    CL-USER> (:balance *rich*)

    Whoa! The reason for this discrepancy is that incf and decf are not atomic operations — they consist of multiple sub-operations, and the order in which they are executed is not in our control.

    This is what is called a “race condition” — multiple threads contending for the same shared resource with at least one modifying thread which, more likely than not, reads the wrong value of the object while modifying it. How do we fix it? One simple way it to use locks (mutex in this case, could be semaphores for more complex situations).

  • Modify a shared resource from multiple threads — fixed using locks:
  • Let’s rest the balance for the account back to 0 first:

    CL-USER> (setf (:balance *rich*) 0)
    CL-USER> (:balance *rich*)

    Now let’s modify the demo-race-condition function to access the shared resource using locks (created using bt:make-lock and used as shown):

    (defvar *lock* (bt:make-lock))
    ; compiling (DEFVAR *LOCK* …)
    (defun demo-race-condition-locks ()
      (loop repeat 100
            (lambda ()
              (loop repeat 10000 do (bt:with-lock-held (*lock*)
                                      (deposit *rich* 100)))
              (loop repeat 10000 do (bt:with-lock-held (*lock*)
                                      (withdraw *rich* 100)))))))

    And let’s do a bigger sample run this time around:

    CL-USER> (dotimes (i 100)
    CL-USER> (:balance *rich*)

    Excellent! Now this is better. Of course, one has to remember that using a mutex like this is bound to affect performance. There is a better way in quite a few circumstances — using atomic operations when possible. We’ll cover that next.

  • Modify a shared resource from multiple threads — using atomic operations:

    Atomic operations are operations that are guaranteed by the system to all occur inside a conceptual transaction, i.e., all the sub-operations of the main operation all take place together without any interference from outside. The operation succeeds completely or fails completely. There is no middle ground, and there is no inconsistent state.

    Another advantage is that performance is far superior to using locks to protect access to the shared state. We will see this difference in the actual demo run.

    The Bordeaux library does not provide any real support for atomics, so we will have to depend on the specific implementation support for that. In our case, that is SBCL, and so we will have to defer this demo to the SBCL section.

  • Joining on a thread, destroying a thread example:

    To join on a thread, we use the bt:join-thread function, and for destroying a thread (not a recommended operation), we can use the bt:destroy-thread function.

    A simple demo:

    (defmacro until (condition &body body)
      (let ((block-name (gensym)))
         `(block ,block-name
            (if ,condition
                (return-from ,block-name nil)
    (defun join-destroy-thread ()
      (let* ((s *standard-output*)
            (joiner-thread (bt:make-thread
                            (lambda ()
                              (loop for i from 1 to 10
                                   (format s "~%[Joiner Thread]  Working...")
                                   (sleep (* 0.01 (random 100)))))))
            (destroyer-thread (bt:make-thread
                               (lambda ()
                                 (loop for i from 1 to 1000000
                                      (format s "~%[Destroyer Thread] Working...")
                                      (sleep (* 0.01 (random 10000))))))))
        (format t "~%[Main Thread] Waiting on joiner thread...")
        (bt:join-thread joiner-thread)
        (format t "~%[Main Thread] Done waiting on joiner thread")
        (if (bt:thread-alive-p destroyer-thread)
              (format t "~%[Main Thread] Destroyer thread alive... killing it")
              (bt:destroy-thread destroyer-thread))
            (format t "~%[Main Thread] Destroyer thread is already dead"))
        (until (bt:thread-alive-p destroyer-thread)
               (format t "[Main Thread] Waiting for destroyer thread to die..."))
        (format t "~%[Main Thread] Destroyer thread dead")
        (format t "~%[Main Thread] Adios!~%")))

    And the output on a run:

    CL-USER> (join-destroy-thread)
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Destroyer Thread] Working...
    [Main Thread] Waiting on joiner thread...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Main Thread] Done waiting on joiner thread
    [Main Thread] Destroyer thread alive... killing it
    [Main Thread] Destroyer thread dead
    [Main Thread] Adios!

    The until macro simply loops around until the condition becomes true. The rest of the code is pretty much self-explanatory — the main thread waits for the joiner-thread to finish, but it immediately destroys the destroyer-thread.

    Again, it is not recommended to use bt:destroy-thread. Any conceivable situation which requires this function can probably be done better with another approach.

    Now let’s move onto some more comprehensive examples which tie together all the concepts discussed thus far.

Useful functions

Here is a summary of the functions, macros and global variables which were used in the demo examples along with some extras. These should cover most of the basic programming scenarios:

  • bt:*supports-thread-p* (to check for basic thread support)
  • bt:make-thread (create a new thread)
  • bt:current-thread (return the current thread object)
  • bt:all-threads (return a list of all running threads)
  • bt:thread-alive-p (checks if the thread is still alive)
  • bt:thread-name (return the name of the thread)
  • bt:join-thread (join on the supplied thread)
  • bt:interrupt-thread (interrupt the given thread)
  • bt:destroy-thread (attempt to abort the thread)
  • bt:make-lock (create a mutex)
  • bt:with-lock-held (use the supplied lock to protect critical code)

SBCL threads

SBCL provides support for native threads via its sb-thread package. These are very low-level functions, but we can build our own abstractions on top of these as shown in the demo examples.

You can refer to the documentation for more details (check the “Wrap-up” section).


You can see from the examples below that there is a strong correspondence between Bordeaux and SBCL Thread functions. In most cases, the only difference is the change of package name from bt to sb-thread.

It is evident that the Bordeaux thread library was more or less based on the SBCL implementation. As such, explanation will be provided only in those cases where there is a major difference in syntax or semantics.

  • Basics — list current thread, list all threads, get thread name:
    The code:

    ;;; Print the current thread, all the threads, and the current thread's name
    (defun print-thread-info ()
      (let* ((curr-thread sb-thread:*current-thread*)
             (curr-thread-name (sb-thread:thread-name curr-thread))
             (all-threads (sb-thread:list-all-threads)))
        (format t "Current thread: ~a~%~%" curr-thread)
        (format t "Current thread name: ~a~%~%" curr-thread-name)
        (format t "All threads:~% ~{~a~%~}~%" all-threads))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (print-thread-info)
    Current thread: #<THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {10043B8003}>
    Current thread name: repl-thread
    All threads:
     #<THREAD "repl-thread" RUNNING {10043B8003}>
    #<THREAD "auto-flush-thread" RUNNING {10043B7DA3}>
    #<THREAD "swank-indentation-cache-thread" waiting on: #<WAITQUEUE  {1003A28103}> {1003A201A3}>
    #<THREAD "reader-thread" RUNNING {1003A20063}>
    #<THREAD "control-thread" waiting on: #<WAITQUEUE  {1003A19E53}> {1003A18C83}>
    #<THREAD "Swank Sentinel" waiting on: #<WAITQUEUE  {1003790043}> {1003788023}>
    #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1002991CE3}>
  • Update a global variable from a thread:

    The code:

    ;;; Update a global variable from a thread
    (defparameter *counter* 0)
    (defun test-update-global-variable ()
       (lambda ()
         (sleep 1)
         (incf *counter*)))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (test-update-global-variable)
  • Print a message onto the top-level using a thread:

    The code:

    ;;; Print a message onto the top-level using a thread
    (defun print-message-top-level-wrong ()
       (lambda ()
         (format *standard-output* "Hello from thread!")))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (print-message-top-level-wrong)
  • Print a message onto the top-level — fixed:

    The code:

    ;;; Print a message onto the top-level using a thread - fixed
    (defun print-message-top-level-fixed ()
      (let ((top-level *standard-output*))
         (lambda ()
           (format top-level "Hello from thread!"))))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (print-message-top-level-fixed)
    Hello from thread!
  • Print a message onto the top-level — better

    The code:

    ;;; Print a message onto the top-level using a thread - reader macro
    (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
      (defun print-message-top-level-reader-macro ()
         (lambda ()
           (format #.*standard-output* "Hello from thread!")))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (print-message-top-level-reader-macro)
    Hello from thread!
  • Modify a shared resource from multiple threads:

    The code:

    ;;; Modify a shared resource from multiple threads
    (defclass bank-account ()
      ((id :initarg :id
           :initform (error "id required")
           :accessor :id)
       (name :initarg :name
             :initform (error "name required")
             :accessor :name)
       (balance :initarg :balance
                :initform 0
                :accessor :balance)))
    (defgeneric deposit (account amount)
      (:documentation "Deposit money into the account"))
    (defgeneric withdraw (account amount)
      (:documentation "Withdraw amount from account"))
    (defmethod deposit ((account bank-account) (amount real))
      (incf (:balance account) amount))
    (defmethod withdraw ((account bank-account) (amount real))
      (decf (:balance account) amount))
    (defparameter *rich*
      (make-instance 'bank-account
                     :id 1
                     :name "Rich"
                     :balance 0))
    (defun demo-race-condition ()
      (loop repeat 100
            (lambda ()
              (loop repeat 10000 do (deposit *rich* 100))
              (loop repeat 10000 do (withdraw *rich* 100))))))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (:balance *rich*)
    CL-USER> (demo-race-condition)
    CL-USER> (:balance *rich*)
  • Modify a shared resource from multiple threads — fixed using locks:

    The code:

    (defvar *lock* (sb-thread:make-mutex))
    (defun demo-race-condition-locks ()
      (loop repeat 100
            (lambda ()
              (loop repeat 10000 do (sb-thread:with-mutex (*lock*)
                                      (deposit *rich* 100)))
              (loop repeat 10000 do (sb-thread:with-mutex (*lock*)
                                      (withdraw *rich* 100)))))))

    The only difference here is that instead of make-lock as in Bordeaux, we have make-mutex and that is used along with the macro with-mutex as shown in the example.

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (:balance *rich*)
    CL-USER> (demo-race-condition-locks)
    CL-USER> (:balance *rich*)
  • Modify a shared resource from multiple threads — using atomic operations:

    First, the code:

    ;;; Modify a shared resource from multiple threads - atomics
    (defgeneric atomic-deposit (account amount)
      (:documentation "Atomic version of the deposit method"))
    (defgeneric atomic-withdraw (account amount)
      (:documentation "Atomic version of the withdraw method"))
    (defmethod atomic-deposit ((account bank-account) (amount real))
      (sb-ext:atomic-incf (car (cons (:balance account) nil)) amount))
    (defmethod atomic-withdraw ((account bank-account) (amount real))
      (sb-ext:atomic-decf (car (cons (:balance account) nil)) amount))
    (defun demo-race-condition-atomics ()
      (loop repeat 100
         do (sb-thread:make-thread
             (lambda ()
               (loop repeat 10000 do (atomic-deposit *rich* 100))
               (loop repeat 10000 do (atomic-withdraw *rich* 100))))))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (dotimes (i 5)
               (format t "~%Opening: ~d" (:balance *rich*))
               (format t "~%Closing: ~d~%" (:balance *rich*)))
    Opening: 0
    Closing: 0
    Opening: 0
    Closing: 0
    Opening: 0
    Closing: 0
    Opening: 0
    Closing: 0
    Opening: 0
    Closing: 0

    As you can see, SBCL’s atomic functions are a bit quirky. The two functions used here: sb-ext:incf and sb-ext:atomic-decf have the following signatures:

    Macro: atomic-incf [sb-ext] place &optional diff


    Macro: atomic-decf [sb-ext] place &optional diff

    The interesting bit is that the “place” parameter must be any of the following (as per the documentation):

    • a defstruct slot with declared type (unsigned-byte 64) or aref of a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 64) (*)) The type sb-ext:word can be used for these purposes.
    • car or cdr (respectively first or REST) of a cons.
    • a variable defined using defglobal with a proclaimed type of fixnum.

    This is the reason for the bizarre construct used in the atomic-deposit and atomic-decf methods.

    One major incentive to use atomic operations as much as possible is performance. Let’s do a quick run of the demo-race-condition-locks and demo-race-condition-atomics functions over 1000 times and check the difference in performance (if any):

    With locks:

    CL-USER> (time 
                        (loop repeat 100
                          do (demo-race-condition-locks)))
    Evaluation took:
      57.711 seconds of real time
      431.451639 seconds of total run time (408.014746 user, 23.436893 system)
      747.61% CPU
      126,674,011,941 processor cycles
      3,329,504 bytes consed

    With atomics:

    CL-USER> (time
                        (loop repeat 100
                         do (demo-race-condition-atomics)))
    Evaluation took:
      2.495 seconds of real time
      8.175454 seconds of total run time (6.124259 user, 2.051195 system)
      [ Run times consist of 0.420 seconds GC time, and 7.756 seconds non-GC time. ]
      327.66% CPU
      5,477,039,706 processor cycles
      3,201,582,368 bytes consed

The results? The locks version took around 57s whereas the lockless atomics version took just 2s! This is a massive difference indeed!

  • Joining on a thread, destroying a thread example:

    The code:

    ;;; Joining on and destroying a thread
    (defmacro until (condition &body body)
      (let ((block-name (gensym)))
        `(block ,block-name
            (if ,condition
                (return-from ,block-name nil)
    (defun join-destroy-thread ()
      (let* ((s *standard-output*)
            (joiner-thread (sb-thread:make-thread
                            (lambda ()
                              (loop for i from 1 to 10
                                   (format s "~%[Joiner Thread]  Working...")
                                   (sleep (* 0.01 (random 100)))))))
            (destroyer-thread (sb-thread:make-thread
                               (lambda ()
                                 (loop for i from 1 to 1000000
                                      (format s "~%[Destroyer Thread] Working...")
                                      (sleep (* 0.01 (random 10000))))))))
        (format t "~%[Main Thread] Waiting on joiner thread...")
        (bt:join-thread joiner-thread)
        (format t "~%[Main Thread] Done waiting on joiner thread")
        (if (sb-thread:thread-alive-p destroyer-thread)
              (format t "~%[Main Thread] Destroyer thread alive... killing it")
              (sb-thread:terminate-thread destroyer-thread))
            (format t "~%[Main Thread] Destroyer thread is already dead"))
        (until (sb-thread:thread-alive-p destroyer-thread)
               (format t "[Main Thread] Waiting for destroyer thread to die..."))
        (format t "~%[Main Thread] Destroyer thread dead")
        (format t "~%[Main Thread] Adios!~%")))

    And the output:

    CL-USER> (join-destroy-thread)
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Destroyer Thread] Working...
    [Main Thread] Waiting on joiner thread...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Joiner Thread]  Working...
    [Main Thread] Done waiting on joiner thread
    [Main Thread] Destroyer thread alive... killing it
    [Main Thread] Destroyer thread dead
    [Main Thread] Adios!

Useful functions

Here is a summarised list of the functions, macros and global variables used in the examples along with some extras:

  • (member :thread-support *features*) (check thread support)
  • sb-thread:make-thread (create a new thread)
  • sb-thread:*current-thread* (holds the current thread object)
  • sb-thread:list-all-threads (return a list of all running threads)
  • sb-thread:thread-alive-p (checks if the thread is still alive)
  • sb-thread:thread-name (return the name of the thread)
  • sb-thread:join-thread (join on the supplied thread)
  • sb-thread:interrupt-thread (interrupt the given thread)
  • sb-thread:destroy-thread (attempt to abort the thread)
  • sb-thread:make-mutex (create a mutex)
  • sb-thread:with-mutex (use supplied lock to protect critical code)


As you can see, concurrency support is rather primitive in Common Lisp, but that’s primarily due to the glaring absence of this important feature in the ANSI Common Lisp specification. That does not detract in the least from the support provided by Common Lisp implementations, nor wonderful libraries like the Bordeaux library.

You should follow up on your own by reading a lot more on this topic. I share some of my own references here:

Next up, the final post in this mini-series: parallelism in Common Lisp using the lparallel library.

UPDATE (Nov. 23, 2017) – Updated the incorrect until macro (as mentioned here – fix little error in demo.

6 thoughts on “Basic Concurrency and Parallelism in Common Lisp – Part 3 (Concurrency using Bordeaux and SBCL threads)

  1. Thanks for this great series of tutorials, well documented and explained, now I feel confident with common lisp threads. Only one typo error, if you want to fix when you say:
    (ql:quickload ‘bt-semapahore) => (ql:quickload ‘bt-semaphore)
    And one question, is mandatory to define the macro until, or you can use any thing allready defined in common lisp, like do or loop.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, yes. Fixing formatting issues in WordPress often messed things up! 😦 … and sorry for the late reply. No, it’s required to define the until macro at all. You could easily make do with do or loop!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That is quite an honour that I do not deserve! 🙂 … please, feel free to use any materials from my blog as you see fit!


  2. Thanks for writing this up, very educational. I don’t really understand the macro “until” though. Wouldn’t it be better replaced with something like:

    (defmacro until (condition &body body)
    `(do () (,condition)


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